
Dr. Anthony Frank ND

Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Frank began his medical journey as an X-ray technologist, where he gained a strong understanding of the medical system by interacting with professionals and patients. His grandmother had a great impact on him with her mastery of botanical medicine. It was witnessing the natural and effective approach of Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) in a documentary that  inspired him to pursue this career path. As an ND, he aims to balance the mind, body, and soul of his patients by addressing their specific needs.


He specializes in the treatment of hormonal imbalances, weight management, fatigue, musculoskeletal disorders, injury, and pain. Further training in vitamin injection therapy and regenerative injection therapy have helped broaden his treatment approach. A passion for helping others extends beyond the medical field, as Dr. Frank values family, faith, and community. He is particularly committed to men’s health and a multi-ethnic view of medicine. He strives to push medicine and learn new ways to stimulate the innate power we have to heal.


In his free time, he enjoys hiking, playing and listening to jazz (influenced by his high school years as an alto saxophone player), skiing/snowboarding, and learning Swahili. 
As a Naturopathic Doctor he strives to utilize the healing power of nature and preventative care to help his patients achieve optimal health.