
Women’s Health

Thyroid Function

Did you know that women are more susceptible to thyroid conditions compared to men? As women age, there is a tendency for their thyroid function to decline, which can result in various symptoms such as thinning hair, weight gain, cold hands and feet, fatigue or low energy, and constipation.

Typically, only one marker, known as TSH or “thyroid-stimulating hormone,” is checked to provide an overview of thyroid function. This hormone acts as a signal from the brain to the thyroid gland in the neck, instructing it on how much thyroid hormone to produce.

While this test is important, there are other factors that influence thyroid function. We will conduct a comprehensive blood thyroid panel to assess each essential aspect of the thyroid.

Hormone Balancing

Here are five truths about hormones and menstrual cycles:

  • Menstrual periods that cause a woman to miss work or spend the day in bed are
    not normal.
  • Regular cycles typically range from 24 to 35 days, and unexplained missed
    periods are not normal.
  • Severe cramping and breast tenderness may indicate hormone imbalances.
  • Just because your parents had acne or you’ve dealt with acne-prone skin doesn’t
    mean you have to suffer too.
  • Having to change your sanitary product more frequently than every 1-2 hours
    may indicate a hormone imbalance.

These are some of the daily symptoms women experience, and conventional medicine has made little progress in alleviating these often debilitating symptoms, resorting mainly to prescribing oral contraceptives to artificially regulate hormones. However, specialized laboratory testing, personalized dietary modifications, individualized supplementation, and increased awareness and understanding of one’s hormones can eliminate these symptoms and allow your cycle to serve as a reminder of your body’s health and resilience.


Unless you are one of the fortunate few who never experience acne and naturally have flawless skin, you understand the impact acne outbreaks can have on your confidence and well-being.

Several factors can influence acne, including stress, hormone imbalances, diet, skincare routine, exercise, sweating, gut health, and nutrient levels. The underlying cause of acne varies for each individual, making certain skincare products effective for some but not others. Acne is a signal from your skin that something is imbalanced, and addressing the root cause beyond surface-level treatments can provide long-lasting results and promote radiant skin.

Weight Loss

Here are three weight loss myths:

Eating less is the only way to lose weight.

While creating a calorie deficit can contribute to weight loss, other factors such as hormones, thyroid function, stress, sleep, and nutrient intake also play a significant role in metabolism.

Relying solely on the scale is the only way to measure progress.

Assessing body composition rather than focusing solely on the number on the scale provides a more accurate evaluation. Sometimes, despite doing everything right, the body may retain weight, requiring a deeper examination of hormone balances, thyroid function, daily diet nuances, and ensuring that exercise is not excessive.

Cardio exercises at least six days a week are essential for weight loss.

While cardio exercises like walking, running, or elliptical workouts have cardiovascular benefits, relying solely on steady-state cardio is not the most effective approach for fat or weight loss. Incorporating weightlifting into your exercise routine can boost metabolism since the muscle fibers torn during weightlifting require extra energy and calories for repair, ultimately increasing overall metabolism.

Maven Wellness Fat Loss Model:

Maven Wellness Fat Loss Tools:


Symptoms of peri-menopause include:

Maven Wellness Fat Loss Model:

Maven Wellness Fat Loss Tools:


Symptoms of peri-menopause include:


Symptoms of peri-menopause include:


Peri-menopause is a transitional phase that every woman goes through, typically starting around the age of 51, although some may experience symptoms as early as 35. While peri-menopause is a natural part of the aging process, the accompanying negative symptoms can be alleviated.

Whether you are interested in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for symptom relief, anti-aging benefits, or alternative approaches to symptom relief and overall well-being, it is advisable to consult with a doctor specializing in hormone balancing. We work closely with our patients to develop personalized treatment plans that align with their desires, lifestyle, and goals. Treatment not only relieves symptoms but also focuses on optimizing brain function for longevity, preserving bone health, and supporting heart health by managing cholesterol and blood pressure.